Bursa Uludağ University
Vocation Schools
Technical Science VS
Vocational School of
Technical Sciences
About Our School
School Administration
Executive Board
Board of the School
School introduction
The Department of Computer Technologies
Computer Programming
The Department of Machine and Metal Technologies
Industrial Moulding Programme
The Programme of Machinery
The Programme of Agricultural Machinery
The Department of Grafic and Design
Graphic Design Programme
Fashion Design Program
Department of Electrıcıty and Energy
The Programme of Electricity
Natural Gas and Installation Technology Programme
The Programme of Air Conditioning and Cooling Technology
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology Program
Department of Motor Vehicles and Trasportation Technology
Automotive Technology Programme
Department of Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leatherwear
The Programme of Textile Technology
Electronics and Automation Department
Electronics Technology Programme
Mechatronics Programme
Department of Property and its Protection
Occupational Health and Safety Programme
Department of Garden and Park Plants
The Programme of Growing Ornamental Plants
Department of Food Processıng
Milk Technology Programme
Food Technology Programme
Meat and Meat Products Technology Programme
All Events
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