Graduate School Committee


  1. Prof. Dr. Ali KARA - Institute Director
  2. Doç.Dr.Elvan ENDER ALTAY - Vice Director of the Institute
  3. Doç.Dr.Sevda TELLİ ÇETİN - Vice Director of the Institute
  4. Türker DEMİRCİ - Institute Secretary
  5. Prof.Dr. Belgin İZGİ - Chair of the Department of Forensic Sciences
  6. Prof. Dr. Ümran ERTÜRK - Chair of the Department of Horticulture
  7. Doç.Dr. Pınar KIRCI - Chair of the Department of Computer Engineering
  8. Prof.Dr.Köksal YAĞDI - Chair of the Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology
  9. Prof. Dr. İsmail Alper SUSURLUK- Chair of the Department of Plant Protection
  10. Prof. Dr. Özer YILMAZ- Head of Biology Department
  11. Prof.Dr. Yusuf ULCAY - Chair of the Department of Biomaterials
  12. Prof. Dr. Ercan ŞİMŞEK - Chair of the Department of Biosystems Engineering
  13. Prof. Dr. Aydın TÜRKEÇ - Chair of the Department of Biotechnology
  14. Prof. Dr. Fatma Olcay TOPAÇ - Chair of the Department of Environmental Engineering
  15. Prof. Dr. Necmettin KAYA- Chair of the Department of Additive Manufacturing
  16. Prof. Dr. Enes YİĞİT - Head of Electronics Engineering Department
  17. Prof. Dr. Erdal EMEL - Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering
  18. Prof. Dr. Nilgün DEMİR- Chair of the Department of Physics
  19. Prof. Dr. Ö.Utku ÇOPUR - Chair of the Department of Food Engineering
  20. Prof. Dr. M.İhsan KARAMANGİL  - Chair of the Department of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
  21. Prof. Dr. Adem DOĞANGÜN - Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering
  22. Prof. Dr. Asım OLGUN - Chair of the Department of Chemistry
  23. Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza YILDIZ - Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
  24. Prof. Dr. İsmail Naci CANGÜL - Chair of the Department of Mathematics
  25. Prof. Dr. Selen DURAK - Chair of the Department of Architecture
  26. Prof.Dr. Aydın TÜRKEÇ - Chair of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
  27. Doç.Dr. Umut AYDEMİR - Chair of the Department of Optical and Photonic Engineering
  28. Prof. Dr. Gökhan SEVİLGEN - Chair of the Department of Automotive Engineering
  29. Prof. Dr. Murat ZENCİRKIRAN - Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture
  30. Prof.Dr. Murat YAZICI - Chair of the Department of Polymer Materials
  31. Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL- Chair of the Department of Agricultural Economics
  32. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Tanju GÖKSOY - Chair of the Department of Field Crops
  33. Prof. Dr. Dilek KUT - Chair of the Department of Textile Engineering
  34. Prof. Dr. Cumhur AYDINALP - Chair of the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  35. Prof.Dr.Tülin İNKAYA - Chair of the Department of Artificial Intelligence
  36. Prof.Dr. Hande GÜLER ÖZGÜL - Chair of the Department of Surface Processing and Technologies
  37. Prof. Dr. İbrahim AK- Chair of the Department of Animal Science


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