Thesis Submission

Thesis Submission and Graduation

  1. Students who have completed the thesis writing process (candidates who started their education before the fall semester of 2016-2017) should present the seminar presentation if they did not submit the thesis stage seminar.
  2.  Then, the Advisors should transfer the unbounded thesis copy of the students to the Turnitin Plagiarism Program using a password taken from the Library and Documentation Department and the students should submit result of the originality report together with the first 5 pages of the originality report and Originality Report Form, which is be filled in, in Forms Page of the Institute's website to the Institution (This bound must be at most 20%).
  3.  The following forms should be also confirmed by one of the Associate Directors of the Institute and the Advisors of the students after the unbounded thesis copy is checked and corrected by them (For thesis check, please fill the form in this link and bring your thesis for checking at least 3 weeks before the exam date).


Convenience Form to Writing Rules of Thesis (The pre-check must be done by the advisor and the form must be approved.)

Approval Form signed by one of the Associate Directors of the Institute and the Advisors of the students


The documents mentioned above should be submitted to the Institute by the student himself / herself together with the thesis. After these procedures, the Jury where Advisor is a natural member of the Jury, should be submitted in the form of the Jury Proposal Form via the UDOS. Jury members; 3 principal for the master (1 member outside the organization) and 2 spare (1 member outside the organization), the actual 5 for doctoral (2 members from outside the organization) and 2 spare (1 member outside the organization) must have to be.

After the Jury Proposal and dissertation are approved by the Institute's Board of Directors, the following forms: Jury approval form, a copy of the thesis, and Jury Evaluation Forms (3 pages) in the Forms’ pages of the Institute's web site should be submitted to the jury members by the students. In the meantime, for the academic members coming from outside the institution, the date of examination and the name of the Jury to be assigned and the number of days to be assigned should be informed.

After the thesis defense examination, the Exam Committee Report, the Personal Assessment Forms filled in by the instructors and the questions asked in the examination should be sent by UDOS by the Department within 3 working days


Documents Required To Be Delivered In the Institute for Graduation (For Institution)

1- A signed hardcover thesis which has been the Uludağ University's Electronic Publishing and Duplication form in the last page (it is required to be done in our University Printing Office)

2- Thesis Data Entry Form (to be taken over by YÖK) and Outputs of the Abstract pages.

3- Discharge Certificate from Library and Documentation Department

4- A CD including all of the thesis in WORD and PDF formats

5- A CD for sending to the Library and Documentation Office, should be prepared according to the criterions below:

            a- A CD for each thesis should be. At the end of the file in the CD, the signed version of the Electronic Duplication and Publication Form should be in a scanned form.

             b- The full text of the dissertation should be prepared as a single pdf file.

c- The pdf files in CD should be the same as the copy approved by the Institute.

d- When the Thesis is displayed on the computer screen, the author owns all responsibility for being the same as the original copy. The numbering of pages should be provided by the author to ensure that the locations of items such as pictures, figures, graphics, tables in the main text of the thesis are identical to the printed thesis.

e- Files should be uncompressed and unencrypted.

f- Turkish characters should not be used when naming files.

g- When giving a name to the PDF file, the author name and surname information should be found.

Sample: name_surname_.pdf

6- Our students are required to submit their student ID cards. If their ID cards are missing, they must have advertised in a national or local newspaper.

Documents Required To Be Delivered In the Institute for Graduation (For YÖK)

1- The signed Thesis Data Entry Form

2- The signed Thesis Approval Page

3- A CD, should be prepared according to the criterions below:

a- In single file in PDF format and the file name should be the reference number given by YÖK.

b- should be in this file in a colorful way by scanning Thesis Approval page signed by The Institute Directorate.

c- The Electronic Duplication and Publication Form should definitely not be on this CD.


The Researcher Numbers (Researcher ID, ORC-ID etc.) of the Academicians should be written under the names of the student, the advisor (s) and the thesis jury in the Appendix 5 Inner Cover and the Appendix 6 Thesis Approval Page of the thesis * (Click for information about ORC-ID).


Remark: If students who started their education before the fall semester of 2016-2017 did not present the "Thesis stage seminar", they must make their seminar presentations before submitting their thesis.

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