

The Plant Protection Program at Yenişehir İbrahim Orhan Vocational School is the first and only program in Bursa Province that trains Plant Protection Technicians. While combating diseases, pests, and weeds, the uncontrolled use of pesticides leads to numerous health problems, including cancer, and the government is forced to allocate an increasing portion of the budget every year to cover the treatment costs of these diseases. The need for plant protection technicians who are well-trained and equipped with practical knowledge is crucial to implementing plant protection practices for sustainable agriculture. This is essential to ensure that future generations can also benefit from these agricultural lands.

Today, when speaking with pesticide applicators in plant production, it is evident that the greatest knowledge gap lies in the areas of plant protection and plant nutrition, and most errors occur in these fields. Plant Protection Program graduates possess theoretical and practical knowledge about the chemicals used in agricultural pest control and their application. More importantly, they are equipped with the necessary tools to ensure healthy production while protecting the ecosystem from harm during the fight against diseases and pests. Thus, in addition to meeting the sector's demand for technical personnel, the program also trains individuals who can establish and operate their own businesses.

Transition to Higher Degree Programs
Students who successfully complete the program and pass the Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) organized by OSYM may transition to undergraduate programs such as Horticultural Plants, Plant Protection, Cultural Plant Production and Marketing, Forestry Engineering, and Field Crops.

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