Electronics Technology Programme


Electronics Technology Programme of Uludağ University Vocational School of Orhangazi trains Electronics Technicians. The students of the programme are equipped with basic theoretical and practical knowledge about electronics and industrial electronic circuits. Graduates can work for companies which manufacture, maintain or repair industrial electronic and medical electronic devices. They can also work at private and public enterprises where these devices are widely used.

This programme intends to include all kinds of practical and theoretical aspects of the field of study, and it aims to furnish students with skills required in Electronics Technology as well as knowledge of computer technology and English language skills so that they can do continuous research and contribute to the development of scientific knowledge and technology according to the needs of society and industry.




Members of the Teaching Staff


Lecturer Taner Ergün, Head of the Programme


Lecturer Abdurrahman Günday

Anasayfaya Dön

İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [555]