Department: Business Administration

Division: Accounting and Finance

Title: Professor


Telephone: 0224 29 41047

Personal Web Site:


Educational Background

PhD: 1986- Uludag University Social Sciences Institute Integrated Business Administration Doctorate Programme

Master of Science:

Bachelor: 1980- Bursa Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences


Academic Background

Research Assistant: 1981- Bursa Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences

                                       1986- Uludag University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Assistant Professor:

Associate Professor: 1988

Professor: 1994

Language: English


Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Alp Aytaç (2016) , “Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Açısından Entegre Raporlamanın Önemi ve BIST Uygulamaları”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue 72, October 2016, pp.51-66.


 Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Aylin Poroy Arsoy, Yasemin Ertan, Tuba Bora, (2014), TMS’TFRS’ye Dönüştürülen Finansal Tabloların Denetim Modelinin Özellikleri” The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue.64, October 2014, pp.1-25.

Yasemin Ertan, Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, (2013), “Şerefiyede Değer Düşüklüğü Testi: İMKB 50 Endeksindeki İşletmelerin Uygulamaları”, The World of Accounting Science, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 1-23.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan,(2012), “Muhasebe Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Türkiye’deki Durum”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue: 53, 2012, pp.1-24.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan, (2012), “Türkiye’de Örtülü Sermaye Ve Örtülü Kazanç Dağıtımı: İMKB 50 Endeksinde Bir Uygulama”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue: 56, 2012, pp.85- 100.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Gülsün İşseveroğlu, Yasemin Ertan, (2011),“Bank Audits And Risk Management In Turkey”, International Journal Of Economics And Finance Studies, Vol. 3, No.1, 2011 ISSN: 1309-8055 pp:229-250.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Gülsün  İşseveroğlu, Yasemin Ertan, (2011),“Audit and Oversight of Audit in terms of Commerce Law of Turkey”, Business and Economics Research Journal, Volume 2 . Number 1 . 2011,pp. 109-120, ISSN: 1309-2448,

Gülsün İşseveroğlu, Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, (2011), “Türkiye’de Meslek Yüksekokullarının Bölge İhtiyaçlarına Uygunluğu Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, January 2011, Issue: 49, pp:24-36.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Gülsün İşseveroğlu, (2010), “Türkiye’de Meslek Yüksekokullarındaki Eğitimin Muhasebe Mesleğine Katkısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, July 2010, Issue: 47, pp:28-40.

Gülsün İşseveroğlu, Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu,, (2010), “Early Warning Model With Statistical Analysis Procedures İn Turkish İnsurance Companies”, African Journal of Business Management Vol. 4, Issue 5, May 2010, pp. 623-630.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan, (2009),  “12.Dünya  Muhasebe Tarihçileri Kongresine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue:41, January 2009, pp.197-207.

Ümit Gucenme Gençoğlu, Canan Başdar, (2008), Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Kapsamında Finansal Olmayan Raporlama, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue:39, July 2008, pp.33-43.

Aylin Poroy Arsoy, Ümit Gücenme,(2009), "The Development of Inflation Accounting in Turkey", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Volume 20, Issue 5, July 2009, pp. 568-590.

Ümit Gücenme, Gülsün İşseveroğlu,(2007), “Prediction of the Financial Success in Turkish Insurance  Companies", Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences, Volume: 62, Issue: 4, 2007, pp.125- 140.

Ümit Gücenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy (2007),“Vergilerin Muhasebeleştirilmesi, Ertelenen Vergi Varlık ve Yükümlülükleri”, Accounting and Auditing Review, Year 6, Issue 21, January 2007, pp.1-16.

Ümit Gücenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy (2006), “Accounting Education in the History of Turkish Republic”, Financial Analyze Special Issue, Istanbul Chamber of Certified Public Accountants Publication, Issue 76, İstanbul 2006, pp.74- 93.


Ümit Gücenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy (2006), “Muhasebe Standartlarındaki Sınıflandırılmış Nakit Akım Tablosu Formatı ile Finansal Performansın Ölçülmesi”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, April 2006, Issue: 30, pp. 66-74.

Ümit Gücenme, Aylin Arsoy (2005)  “Muhasebe Standartlarına Göre Maddi Duran Varlıklarda Değer Artış ve Azalışlarının Tespiti ve Kaydı”, Analysis Accounting-Finance Research and Application Journal, Volume 5, Year 14, Issue 14, October 2005, pp.1-12.

Ümit Gücenme  ( 2004),  “Uluslararası Muhasebe Eğitimi ve Araştırma Birliği Tarihi :1984-2004” , The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue.24, October 2004, pp.34-39.

Ümit Gücenme  (2004), “Enflasyon Düzeltmesine İlişkin S.P.Kurulu Düzenlemeleri ve Maliye Bakanlığı Yasa Tasarısı”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue.21, January 2004, pp.25-29.

Ümit Gücenme  (2004), “Finansal Bilgilerin Bölümlere Göre Raporlanması”, The World of Accounting Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2004, pp. 1-19.

Ümit Gücenme (2004), “Maliye Bakanlığı Yasal Düzenlemelerine Göre Enflasyon Düzeltmesi”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue.22, April 2004, pp.31-38.

Ümit Gücenme (2004),   “Kayıt Dışı Ekonomi ile Mücadele ve Vergi Denetiminin Yeniden Yapılandırılması”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue.23, July 2004, pp.22-27.

Ümit Gücenme (2004), “Enflasyon Düzeltmesine İlişkin S.P.Kurulu Düzenlemeleri ve Maliye Bakanlığı Yasa Tasarısı”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue.21, January 2004, pp.25-29.

Ümit Gücenme (2003), “Enflasyon Düzeltmesine İlişkin SPK.Tebliğ Taslağı ve Maliye Bakanlığı Yasa Tasarısı Üzerine”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-20, October 2003, pp.41-45.

Ümit Gücenme (2003),   “Ülkemizde Muhasebe Uygulamalarının Türkiye Muhasebe Standartlarına Uyumu”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-19, July 2003, pp.27-35.

Ümit Gücenme (2002), “Enflasyon Muhasebesi İle İlgili S.P.K.Tebliği ve Türkiye Muhasebe Standardı’nın Karşılaştırılması- II”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-15, July  2002, pp.54-63.

Ümit Gücenme (2002),   “Enflasyon Muhasebesi İle İlgili S.P.K.Tebliği ve Türkiye Muhasebe Standardı’nın Karşılaştırılması- I”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-14, April  2002, pp.35-37.

Ümit Gücenme (2001),   “Otofinansman ve Ekonomik Kriz Dönemlerinde İşletme Finansındaki Önemi”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-12, October 2001, pp.42-46.

Translated by:  Ümit Gücenme (2001),   “Hodri Meydan Zamanı-Uluslararası Muhasebe Standardı 1-Uygulama Araştırması”,Donna Street,Sidney Gray, , The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-10, April 2001, pp.97-100.

Ümit Gücenme (2001),   “Geçici Vergi Uygulamaları ve İşletme Finansı”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-9, January 2001, pp.38-40.

Translated by; Ümit Gücenme, (2000), “International Accounting Standart-IAS 38:Maddi Olmayan Varlıklar”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Issue-5, January 2000, pp.99-115.

Ümit Gücenme, (2000), “Küreselleşmede Muhasebe Standartları”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, ıssue-5, January 2000, pp.7-11.



Umit Gucenme Gencoglu,  Alp Aytaç ( 2014) , “The Process Of Formatıon Of Accountıng Standards And The Present Sıtuatıon In Turkey”,  3rd International Symposium on Accounting and Finance, September 10-12, 2014 Tokyo, Japan, Congress Proceeding ,  pp. 287-299.

Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Gulsun Isseveroglu, Yasemin Ertan, (2010),“The Developments In The Accountıng Culture  And Fınancıal Reportıng In Turkey Durıng The Republıcan Era”, Conference Proceedings Vol. III, 2 nd Balkans And Mıddle East Countrıes  Conference On Audıtıng And Accountıng Hıstory, 15-18 September 2010 İstanbul Turkey, pp. 1915- 1925.

Gulsun Isseveroglu, Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Yasemin Ertan,(2010), “A Study On The Contribution of Vocational Education in Turkey To The Accounting Profession”, Conference Proceedings Vol. III,  2 nd Balkans And Mıddle East Countrıes Conference On   Audıtıng And Accountıng Hıstory,15-18 September ,2010, , İstanbul Turkey, pp. 1981- 1995.

Umit Gucenme Gencoglu,Aylin Poroy Arsoy, (2008),“The Importance of Turkish Accounting Education Symposiums on the Development of Accounting Education”, 12th. World Congress of Accounting Historians, July 20-24, 2008, İstanbul Turkey, Congress Proceeding Vol. 1, Printed by Avcıol,, pp:782-795.

Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Aylin Poroy Arsoy,(2008), “The History of Transfer Pricing Regulations and the Legal Developments in Turkey”, 12th. World Congress of Accounting Historians, July 20-24, 2008, İstanbul Turkey.

Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Yasemin Ertan, (2008), “Reporting Financial Performance According To The International Accountıng Standarts In The Scope Of Economic Integration: A Case Of Turkey”, International Conference on by  Social Sciences, Selected Proceeding of the First  International Conference on Social Sciences Organized by  Social Sciences Research Society, 21-22 August 2008,İzmir-Turkey, Edited by Coşkun Can Aktan,İbrahim Kircova,Yavuz Odabaşı, Birleşik Matbaacılık, İzmir,2008, pp:183-197.

Umit Gucenme, Ali Ildır,(2007), “Legal Regulations which Influenced the Accounting Applications in Turkey during the 20th Century and the Situation Today”, The Balkan Countries 1st International Conference on Accounting and Auditing, 8-9 March 2007, Edirne, Printed by AAFA, pp.354-367.

Umit Gucenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy, (2006), “Financial Statement Analysis Based on International Accounting Standards and the Case of Turkey”, International Conference on Accounting and Management Information Systems, , 24-25 November 2006, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bükreş, Romanya, Journal Edited by the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems under the aegis of AFER, Volum :17,2006,17, pp:23-37.

Aylin Poroy Arsoy, Umit Gucenme, (2006), “Asset Valuation under Accounting Standards and Preventing Accounting Frauds”, 1st International Congress on Accounting &Fraud Examination, 2 June 2006, İstanbul.

Aylin Poroy Arsoy, Umit Gucenme, (2006), “Globalization of Accounting: International Accounting Standards”, 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 15-18 June 2006, Çeşme-İzmir.



Umit Gucenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy, (2005), “IFRS 2 Hisseye Dayalı Ödemeler Kapsamında Beşeri Kaynakların Kaydı” 2nd International Accounting Conference, MÖDAV, 10-12 November 2005, İstanbul.

Umit Gucenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy, (2005), “Changes in Financial Reporting in Turkey : Historical Development Of Inflation Accounting From 1960 To 2005”, Academy of Accounting Historians 2005 Research Conference, 6-8 October 2005, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio USA.

Oktay Guvemli, Umit Gucenme, (2002), “The Goverment Accounting Profession During The Ottoman Empire”,   IX. Congress of World Accounting Historians, 30.7-02.8.2002 in Melbourne Australia.

Ümit Gücenme, Aylin Poroy Arsoy, “Konsolidasyon Şerefiyesinin Muhasebeleştirilmesinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar”, XXV.Turkey Accounting Education Symposium, 19-23 April 2006, Bodrum-Muğla.

Ümit Gücenme, “Kayıt Dışı Ekonomi ile Mücadele ve Vergi Denetiminin Yeniden Yapılandırılması”, Osmangazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences on 26.3.2004. Paper presented at the panel titled "Financial Markets, State Debts and Unregistered Economy in 2004" organized by Eskişehir.

Ümit Gücenme,  “Enflasyon Düzeltmesine İlişkin S.P.Kurulu Düzenlemeleri ve Maliye Bakanlığı Yasa Tasarısı”, paper presented at the panel which is called ‘’Turkey’s Economic Condition at the end of 2003’’ that organized by Çanakkale 18 Mary University Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences on 21.11.2003.

Ümit Gücenme,  “Ülkemizde Muhasebe Uygulamalarının Türkiye Muhasebe Standartlarına Uyumu”, paper presented at the panel which is called ‘‘ Turkey Accounting Standards and Its Applications in Turkey’’ organized by Bursa Chamber of Public Accountants on 2 May 2003.

Ümit Gücenme, “Enflasyon Muhasebesi”, paper presented at the conference organized by Bursa Certified Public Accountants on 1.11.2002.

Ümit Gücenme, “Enflasyon Muhasebesi  ve Vergi Karı İlişkisi”, paper presented at the panel which is called ‘‘ Inflation Accounting’’ that is organized by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 20.03.2002.

Ümit Gücenme, “Ekonomik Kriz Dönemlerinde Enflasyon Muhasebesinin Önemi”, paper presented at the panel which is called ‘‘Financial Crisis at the end of 2001’’ that is organized by Trakya University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences on 2.11.2001.

Ümit Gücenme, “Devlet Bütçesinde Vergiler, Vergilerin Kullanımı ve Bunun İşletmelere Etkileri”, paper presented at the panel which is called ‘‘Economic Expectations for the year 2001 at Turkey’’ that is organized by Mersin University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences on 23.02.2001.

Ümit Gücenme, “Geçici Vergi Uygulamaları ve İşletme Finansı”, paper presented at the panel which is called ‘‘Economic Expectations for the year 2000 and Business Management’’ that is organized by Kütahya Dumlupınar University on 24.03.2000.


A Comparative Analysis of the Continuity of Public and Non-Public Companies in Bursa in Terms of Financial Structure (2015-2017), accepted by Uludag University Scientific Research Project Center. Its number is KUAP(İ)2015/73, Project Manager.


A Model Building toward Auditing for the Non-Public Industrial Companies’ financial statements that is compatible with Turkey Accounting Standards, Small-Sized Research Project, Accepted by Uludag University Scientific Research Project Center on 2013, Project Manager.


Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, (2015), Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları ve Vergi Mevzuatına Göre Dönem Sonu Muhasebe İşlemleri,  Aktüel Publications Alfa Bookstore, ISBN:978-975-253-276-2, Turkish (Textbook).

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, (2014), Finansal Tablolar Analizi, Aktüel Publishing Alfa Bookstore, Edition:6, Page Number 348, ISBN:978-975-253-246-5, Turkish (Textbook), (Publication Number: 1262821).

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Selahattin Karabınar, Yıldız Özerhan, (2013) , Türkiye Finansal Raporlama Standartları, Sakarya University Continuous Education Application And Research Center, Edition:1, Page Number 709, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Publication Number: 424956).

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Genel Muhasebe (2013), Aktüel Publishing Alfa Bookstore, Edition:4, Page Number 364, ISBN:978-975-253-231-1, Turkish (Textbook), (Publication Number:1262824).

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, (2007), Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları ve Uygulamalar,  Türkmen Bookstore, İstanbul, ISBN:978-975-6392-63-8, Turkish (Scientific Book).

Ümit Gücenme, (2003), Envanter Sözel Ve Sayısal Çalışma Soruları Ve Çözümlü Uygulamalar, Marmara Bookstore, Turkish (Textbook), (Publication Number: 425134).

Ümit Gücenme, (1998), Uluslararası Muhasebede Teknik Sorunlar, Marmara Bookstore, Turkish (Scientific Book), ISBN:978-975-6392-63-8, (Publication Number: 425155).

Ümit Gücenme, (1996),Tekdüzen Hesap Planına Göre Ticari İşletmelerde Muhasebe Ve Envanter İşlemleri,  Marmara Bookstore, Turkish (Textbook), (Publication Number: 425189).


Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan,(2011), “Muhasebe ve Etik”, İşletme Etiği, Editör: Prof. Dr. Zeyyat Sabuncuoğlu, Beta Publication, İstanbul, 2011, pp:197-216.

Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, (2009), “Kriz Ortamındaki İşletmelerde Finansal Bilgilerin Bölümlere Göre Raporlanması”, Kriz Yönetimi, Compilers Haluk Sümer, Helmut Pernsteiner,  İstanbul Bilgi University Publications, İstanbul, 2009, pp.391- 412.

Other Publications:

Scientific Awards:

Research Interests: Financial Reporting based on Accounting Standards and Tax legislation, Financial Analyses.

Master and PhD Thesis Supervised:




Anasayfaya Dön

İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [999]