Bölümü |
İşletme |
Anabilim Dalı |
Muhasebe- Finansman |
Unvanı |
Doç. Dr. |
E-mail adresi |
yasertan@uludag.edu.tr |
Telefon |
0224 2941050 |
Yüksek Lisans |
Uludağ Üniversitesi |
Lisans |
Gazi Üniversitesi |
Orta Öğrenim |
Bursa Çelebi Mehmet Lisesi |
Araştırma Görevliliği |
2006 |
Yabancı Dil |
İngilizce |
Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu,Yasemin Ertan, “Muhasebe ve Etik”, İşletme Etiği, Editör: Prof.Dr.Zeyyat Sabuncuoğlu, Beta Basım AŞ:, İstanbul, 2011, s:197-216 |
Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan, “Türkiye’de Örtülü Sermaye Ve Örtülü Kazanç Dağıtımı: İMKB 50 Endeksinde Bir Uygulama”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı: 56, 2012, ss.85- 100 |
Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan, “Muhasebe Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Türkiye’deki Durum”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı: 53, 2012, ss.1-24 |
Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Gulsun Isseveroglu, Yasemin Ertan, “Audit and Oversight of Audit in terms of Commerce Law of Turkey”, Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol.2, No.1 . 2011, www.berjournal.com |
Yasemin Ertan, Elif Yücel, Esen Kara, Lale Karabıyık, “The Effects Of The Interactive White Board Usage On The Studendts’ Learning Level And An Application In The Financial Markets Courses”, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, April 2010, Vol.12, No: 3, http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde43/index.ht |
Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Gulsun Isseveroglu, Yasemin Ertan, “Bank Audits and Risk Management in Turkey”, International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Vol.3, No.1, pp.239-25 |
Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Yasemin Ertan, 12.Dünya Muhasebe Tarihçileri Kongresine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı:41,Ocak 2009, s.197-207 |
Selimoğlu, Seval Kardeş- Poroy, Aylin Arsoy- Ertan, Yasemin, The Effect of Powerpoint Preferences of Students on Their Performance: A Research In Anadolu University, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-January 2009, Vol. 10, No. 1 |
“Yatırım Fonu Seçim Kararlarında Çerçeveleme Etkisi” Yrd. Doç. Dr. Değer Alper, Arş. Gör. Yasemin Ertan, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı:34, Ocak 2008, s:174-184 |
İşseveroğlu, Gülsün – Mugal, Elif – Ertan, Yasemin, “The Effects Of Sarbanes Oxley Act On Turkish Capital Markets”, Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2006, No:18, p.21-31 |
Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Gulsun Isseveroglu, Yasemin Ertan, “The Developments In The Accountıng Culture And Fınancıal Reportıng In Turkey Durıng The Republıcan Era”, Conference Proceedings Vol. III, 2 nd Balkans And Mıddle East Countrıes Conference On Audıtıng And Accountıng Hıstory, 15-18 September 2010 İstanbul Turkey, pp. 1915- 192 |
Gulsun Isseveroglu, Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Yasemin Ertan, “A Study On The Contribution of Vocational Education in Turkey To The Accounting Profession”, Conference Proceedings Vol. III, 2 nd Balkans And Mıddle East Countrıes Conference On Audıtıng And Accountıng Hıstory,15-18 September ,2010, , İstanbul Turkey, pp. 1981- 199 |
Lale KARABIYIK, Adem ANBAR ve Yasemin ERTAN, “External Borrowing in Ottoman Empire: Reasons and Results of External Borrowing”, 12th World Congress of Accounting Historians, İstanbul, 20-24 July 2008 |
Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Yasemin Ertan, “Reporting Financial Performance According To The International Accountıng Standarts In The Scope Of Economic Integration: A Case Of Turkey”, International Conference on by Social Sciences, Selected Proceeding of the First International Conference on Social Sciences Organized by Social Sciences Research Society, 21-22 August 2008,İzmir-Turkey, Edited by Coşkun Can Aktan,İbrahim Kircova,Yavuz Odabaşı, Birleşik Matbaacılık, İzmir,2008, s:183-197 |
Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Yasemin Ertan, “Reporting Financial Performance According To The International Accountıng Standarts In The Scope Of Economic Integration: A Case Of Turkey”, International Conference on by Social Sciences, Selected Proceeding of the First International Conference on Social Sciences Organized by Social Sciences Research Society, 21-22 August 2008,İzmir-Turkey, Edited by Coşkun Can Aktan,İbrahim Kircova,Yavuz Odabaşı, Birleşik Matbaacılık, İzmir,2008, s:183-197. |
International Conference, Accounting and Management Information Systems, “ AMİS 2006” Romanya “The Effects Of Sarbanes Oxley Act On Turkish Capital Markets” adlı tebliğ sunumu, 24 – 25 / 11 / 2006 |